100% Chance of Rain = Waterfall Hike

With an impending SNOW STORM hitting the lowlands of Western Washington, my friend Laura and I ventured out to a tried and true hike off Highway 2. Wallace Falls State Park is a great little spot. You can make the hike as long or as short as you want, with 3 distinct lookout points to view the falls. The park also has a few campsites available, park staff on site to help answer questions, and a pay station in case you forget your Discover Pass.

On a clear weather day, you will find this trail packed to the gills. But on a day like today, with a 100% chance of rain in the forecast, the parking lot boasted 15 cars and we had stretches of trail all to ourselves. Besides catching up with Laura, my favorite part was the sound of the rain soaking into the moss covered trees, next to a roaring river. The ferns were lush and green and the fog was heavy. Perfect PNW moody conditions!

At the risk of having a repeat of the Yosemite waterfall accident (see: camera got water damage and stopped working) - I decided to keep my camera in my backpack for majority of the hike. I wasn’t able to test out my new Sigma 18-35 f/1.8 lens today, but it’s all good - just another reason to get back out there soon!

Photos from the day are below. Drop a comment and let me know if you would willingly hike when there’s 100% chance of rain in the forecast!

Samantha HermanComment